




This is the
GnuHerd Project

GnuHerd is a build engine
using the powerful features of GNU Make.
Its purpose is to handle various tool-chains
in a uniform manner.

Why GnuHerd ?

GNU make is a powerful build tool that
can be relatively easy extended by using macros.
GnuHerd is a collection of such macros
with the aim to easily apply them.

GnuHerd is an effort to unify the usage of several tool-chains

Some of GNU Make's Features

Cross Platform Capability

GNU Make has been ported to many platforms,
including OS/2. With a little effort, platform differences can
easily be resolved by encapsulating them in macros.
GnuHerd does that in a uniform manner.

Default Makefile

By default, GNU Make first looks for GNUmakefile.
This behavior makes it easy to put GNU Make above other Make tools
and either forward to them or gradually take over the
building of the project.

Powerful Macros

GNU Make comes with a set of powerful built-in macros.
Besides that, custom macros provide a way to extend its functionality.
This is conceptually equivalent to Ant's AntLib capability.
Some extenstions are done for both GnuHerd an AntHive.

Canned Recipes

A recipe describes what actions are required
to build a specific target. Common variables in these actions
are the target type and tool-chain used. By abstracting and separating
these actions from the target, they can be re-used for other targets and
also with other tool-chains. This concept is called canned recipes.
These canned recipes are actually macros.

Target Specific Variables

A target specific variable is local to the target.
They can be used to override global variable assignments.
For instance, a global variable assignment like: format.exe=LX
could be overridden for a specific target: targetname: format.exe=PE,
which could then even be passed to the canned recipe to select
the appropriate tool-chain.

GNU Make is the preferred shell-based build-tool

Developer Notes

GnuHerd is being
developed using GNU Make >= v3.8.1.
Functionality is tested on OS/2,
Linux and Windows.

Interested ?

Then stay tuned...

Developer Information, GnuHerd itself, Examples, Downloads, etc.,
are all going to surface at this site, which has the main purpose of

Porting the Eclipse IDE to OS/2

What, you didn't know OS/2 is still g(r)o(w)ing strong ?

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